Die letzten Neuigkeiten aus dem Weinkeller
We know that like all businesses related to agriculture and the world of wine changes are not sudden affair.
But the small changes and innovations help businesses to evolve as our historical ... weiter -
2013Tirage Methius 2012 und Blüte
Tuesday we affettuato the draft of Trento Doc Methius 2012 vintage.The draft is the operation by which the base wine bottles (Chardonnay and Pinot Noir) along with yeast and sugar. The... weiter- 22
2013Abend vertikale Methius Trento Doc Bar at Oriola-Trento
Giovedì 30 maggio 2013 saremo ospiti di Paolo Pederzoli nel suo Bar Oriola a Trento.
Quel che si dice una grande serata: verticale di ben sei annate di Methius Trento ... weiter- 18
2013Abgefüllt den Teroldego Doc 2011
was bottled yesterday Teroldego Doc 2011 vintage.
Do not deny it: Teroldego 2011 was a great satisfaction. The year 2011 was characterized by a fairly warm spring, followed by a cold July (sn... weiter- 10
2013Feiern zum 30. Jahrestag der Neugründung der Schützen Kompanie Kronmetz
Morgen, Samstag 11. Mai und Sonntag 12. Mai 2013 große Feier zum 30. Jahrestag der Schützen Kompanie Niklaus Firmian Mezzocorona. Im schönen Innenhof des Palazzo Martini Mezzocorona (ein paar ... weiter - 22